brookscl: Mill wheel near Glanworth Bridge
brookscl: Sign for Glanworth Castle
brookscl: Karen at Glanworth Castle
brookscl: David and Jennifer at Glanworth Castle
brookscl: Karen, Chris, Lisa, and Dave hunting geocaches
brookscl: View from on high of Glanworth Bridge
brookscl: Glanworth Bridge
brookscl: For the washing of the clothes near Glanworth Bridge
brookscl: Sign for Glanworth Bridge
brookscl: Glanworth Bridge
brookscl: Water features near Glanworth Bridge
brookscl: Labbacallee myths and megaliths
brookscl: Labbacallee sign
brookscl: Lisa and Jennifer find a geocache
brookscl: Lisa and Lynne look into Labbacallee wedge tomb
brookscl: View showing length of Labbacallee wedge tomb
brookscl: Lismore Castle
brookscl: St Carthage Cathedral
brookscl: Inside view of St Carthage Cathedral
brookscl: The Lismore Croder
brookscl: Ballysaggartmore Towers
brookscl: Bridge and Ballysaggartmore Towers
brookscl: Jennifer at Ballysaggartmore Towers
brookscl: The Ballysaggartmore Towers
brookscl: Sign for Ballysaggartmore Towers
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