brookscl: Ken and Jim contemplate start of Allied approach to Supreme Commander
brookscl: Germany closes on Warsaw
brookscl: Western front at start of Supreme Commander
brookscl: High Frontier Colonization with Jeff, KC, and Alex
brookscl: Germans push through the low countries in Supreme Commander
brookscl: Doug and Matt playing Advanced Squad Leader
brookscl: Things unwinding for the Axis in Supreme Commander
brookscl: We stopped around May-Jun 1940 in Supreme Commander
brookscl: Jim and Ken enjoying cold beverage at sunset
brookscl: Ken and Jim strolling Salishan beach at Sunset
brookscl: Amazing sunset at Salishan beach
brookscl: Sunday night Whisk(e)y tasting
brookscl: Game of Thrones CCG!
brookscl: Richard III with Jim
brookscl: KC and Alex playing Game of Thrones CCG
brookscl: Matt, Doug, and Jeff play Andean Abyss
brookscl: Nearing end game of Richard III
brookscl: Doug teaching Manifest Destiny
brookscl: Early game of Manifest Destiny
brookscl: Toasting an Old Fashioned over Combat Commander: Europe
brookscl: Jim, Jeff, and Chris play Clash of Cultures
brookscl: Jim teaching KC Twilight Struggle
brookscl: Coffee Nerds
brookscl: Alex, Doug, and Chris play Unconditional Surrender
brookscl: Operation Overlord succeeds in June 1944
brookscl: I'm running the eastern front vs Germans in Unconditional Surrender
brookscl: Eclipse with Jeff, Matt, Jim, and KC
brookscl: I'm having great success in the east in Unconditional Surrender
brookscl: Early in our No Retreat: North Africa scenario
brookscl: Chris and Doug play No Retreat: North Africa