brookscl: Baltra air strip
brookscl: Preparing for our first snorkeling
brookscl: On the panga for our first snorkeling
brookscl: Refreshments after first snorkel
brookscl: Dave and Lisa relaxing on the Athala II
brookscl: Jacob and Matthew with Bartolomé Island in the background
brookscl: Vicente Roca Point
brookscl: Captain Jack Sparrow on the panga
brookscl: Out on the panga near Vicente Roca Point with Athala II in background
brookscl: Jacob with Vicente Roca Point in background
brookscl: Vicente Roca Point with panga and Athala II in background
brookscl: Fresh juice and fruit after snorkeling
brookscl: Julie getting sun after departing Vicente Roca Point
brookscl: First encounter with marine iguanas on Espinosa Point, Fernandina Island
brookscl: Jacob with iguanas at Espinosa Point, Fernandina Island
brookscl: Water high as we walk to point on Espinosa Point, Fernandina Island
brookscl: Family shot on Espinosa Point, Fernandina Island
brookscl: Our friends on Espinosa Point, Fernandina Island
brookscl: Jacob and Matthew ponder the iguanas on Espinosa Point, Fernandina Island
brookscl: Dave strolling the rocks on Espinosa Point, Fernandina Island
brookscl: Marine iguanas on Espinosa Point, Fernandina Island
brookscl: Whale bone on Espinosa Point, Fernandina Island
brookscl: Lisa having a cocktail as we leave Fernandina Island
brookscl: Dave enjoying late afternoon as we leave Fernandina Island
brookscl: Playing cards on Athala II
brookscl: Julie and I relaxing on our cabin balcony with my old fashioned
brookscl: Lisa looking off the stern of the Athala II
brookscl: Everyone at the helm as we cross the equator
brookscl: GPS readout as we cross the equator
brookscl: Friend at the helm