brookscl: 20081224-VegasChristmas2008-9
brookscl: 20081227-VegasChristmas2008-1
brookscl: 20081231-Battlestar Galactica
brookscl: 20090103-Warriors of God-1
brookscl: 20090103-Doug Cooley Gameday-1
brookscl: 1850 with the RipCity crew
brookscl: 1850 - JD and George
brookscl: 20090203-Gaming sessoion-1
brookscl: 20090207-Gaming sessoion-4
brookscl: 20090207-Gaming sessoion-5
brookscl: 18AL with Jacob and JAD
brookscl: 20090222-FieldsOfFire-3
brookscl: 20090222-FieldsOfFire-4
brookscl: 20090222-FieldsOfFire-5
brookscl: 20090222-FieldsOfFire-9
brookscl: 20090222-FieldsOfFire-12
brookscl: 20090222-FieldsOfFire-14
brookscl: 20090222-FieldsOfFire-18
brookscl: Doug and George playing Steam Over Holland
brookscl: Steam Over Holland board
brookscl: Small World board
brookscl: Small World with Doug and Mike
brookscl: 20090502-Stone Age-3
brookscl: 20090502-Stone Age-5
brookscl: 20090620-Boardgaming
brookscl: 20090623-Boardgaming
brookscl: 20090623-Boardgaming-2
brookscl: Matthew playing Sauron in War of the Ring
brookscl: Gandalf in Rohan
brookscl: Roads and Boats