brookscl: Before takeoff at PDX
brookscl: Jim setting up Tumblin' Dice
brookscl: Year of the Dragon
brookscl: Derk and Aldie
brookscl: What's this game?
brookscl: BGG.CON Entry Way
brookscl: Friedemann
brookscl: Brass
brookscl: The Game Library at BGG.CON
brookscl: Before the Wind
brookscl: Jim setting up Wed night
brookscl: Yehuda
brookscl: Jim playing Agora
brookscl: 18TN
brookscl: Before the Wind Cards
brookscl: Year of the Dragon
brookscl: BGG Crokinole Board
brookscl: Kingsburg
brookscl: It's Alive
brookscl: Registration at BGG.CON
brookscl: Jim playing a spin ball game
brookscl: Greg plays Agricola with Jason et al
brookscl: Gaming in the Entry Way
brookscl: Starcraft the Boardgame
brookscl: Proof that I'm at BGG Con
brookscl: Colloseum
brookscl: 1960
brookscl: Thebes
brookscl: Fire and Axe
brookscl: Daily stop at Denny's