Chris Bertram: Nyhavn courtyard
Chris Bertram: Chimney
Chris Bertram: Operaen
Chris Bertram: Orange ship
Chris Bertram: Nyhavn windows
Chris Bertram: Carving
Chris Bertram: Theatre reflection
Chris Bertram: Shops and cycles
Chris Bertram: Doorway
Chris Bertram: Fast food van
Chris Bertram: View from Vor Frelsers Kirke
Chris Bertram: View from Vor Frelsers Kirke
Chris Bertram: View from Vor Frelsers Kirke
Chris Bertram: View from Vor Frelsers Kirke
Chris Bertram: Knippelsbro bridge
Chris Bertram: Knippelsbro bridge
Chris Bertram: Krogs Fiskerestaurant sign
Chris Bertram: Heiligandskirken door carving
Chris Bertram: Bankerat bear
Chris Bertram: Sarcophagus
Chris Bertram: Egyptian head
Chris Bertram: Marching band
Chris Bertram: Copenhagen house
Chris Bertram: Traffic lights
Chris Bertram: Rail tracks
Chris Bertram: Ship seen through buildings
Chris Bertram: Railway furniture
Chris Bertram: Structure made of bottles
Chris Bertram: Jean Dubuffet sculpture