Chris Bertram: Venice - The Doge's Palace
Chris Bertram: Venice - The Doge's Palace
Chris Bertram: Venice - The Doge's Palace
Chris Bertram: Venice - The Doge's Palace
Chris Bertram: Venice - The Doge's Palace
Chris Bertram: Venice - The Doge's Palace
Chris Bertram: The Sunday post-wedding "picnic"
Chris Bertram: Cake distribution at the "picnic"
Chris Bertram: John Mayberry at the Sunday post-wedding "picnic"
Chris Bertram: Coal loader at Avonmouth
Chris Bertram: DSCF0122
Chris Bertram: DSCF0121
Chris Bertram: DSCF0120
Chris Bertram: DSCF0119
Chris Bertram: DSCF0118
Chris Bertram: DSCF0117
Chris Bertram: DSCF0116
Chris Bertram: DSCF0115
Chris Bertram: DSCF0114
Chris Bertram: DSCF0113
Chris Bertram: DSCF0111
Chris Bertram: DSCF0110
Chris Bertram: DSCF0106
Chris Bertram: DSCF0105