ChrisBakerCV12: 2009aug Squirrel (re-saved as portrait)
ChrisBakerCV12: 2014feb- Squirrel Eating Monkey Nuts. 1st upload from new camera.
ChrisBakerCV12: Squirel Eating Monkey Nuts 2. More expression in face?
ChrisBakerCV12: 2015may- Flying Grey Squirrel.
ChrisBakerCV12: 2016sept- Fungus - Squirrel Meal.
ChrisBakerCV12: 2016sept- Fungus... Squirrel Meal. Better crop?!
ChrisBakerCV12: 2015sept- Red Squirrel... Looking Incredulous! Where did he get that nut from?!
ChrisBakerCV12: 2019-07 Red Squirrel Seeking Moss. 0718
ChrisBakerCV12: 2019-07 Red Squirrel Seeking Moss. 0714
ChrisBakerCV12: 2015sept- Red Squirrel Eating Hazel Nut.
ChrisBakerCV12: 2019-07 Red Squirrel Trying to Hide "No Feeding" Sign. 0663
ChrisBakerCV12: 2010may- Wild Rabbit
ChrisBakerCV12: 2011mar- Lamb
ChrisBakerCV12: 2011mar- Lamb2
ChrisBakerCV12: 2011mar- Lamb an' Mam.
ChrisBakerCV12: 2010jul- Alfie Pug. Dog Portrait.
ChrisBakerCV12: may2010- Herbie: Dog Portrait.
ChrisBakerCV12: 2015oct- Dog Waiting Under Umbrella!
ChrisBakerCV12: 2015jun- Pet Portrait - Doleful Dachshund! (Just heard weather forecast... DEEP SNOW!!
ChrisBakerCV12: 2018mar- Scottish Deerhound.-0085
ChrisBakerCV12: 2021sep- Portmadoc. Two Sea-Dogs Aboard! (Click on image once, or twice, to enlarge.)
ChrisBakerCV12: 2022jun- Etty... Bad Hair-Ear Day 0177
ChrisBakerCV12: 2022jun- Etty...Etty 0137
ChrisBakerCV12: 2022jun- Etty...Etty 0136
ChrisBakerCV12: 2022jun- Etty...Etty 0160
ChrisBakerCV12: 2017jun= Dog called "Wookie" Ready for Take-off. Much to our amusement!
ChrisBakerCV12: 2017jun- "Wookie" Enjoying the Ride 2.
ChrisBakerCV12: 2017jun- "Wookie" the Dog, On his Way!