where_is_charl: Chris packing the backpack for the last time
where_is_charl: Waiting for the Backpacks
where_is_charl: Charlotte with her mum and dad
where_is_charl: Chris and Charl with Shirl and John
where_is_charl: 2007_0408Travel0079
where_is_charl: Shirls and Steve
where_is_charl: Early morning pint with Nicola at Heathrow
where_is_charl: Arriving at Heathrow
where_is_charl: 2007_0408Travel0083
where_is_charl: Scooter -roo!
where_is_charl: The banners are out
where_is_charl: 2007_0408Travel0113
where_is_charl: Great Grandma and Amelie
where_is_charl: Meeting my new Niece
where_is_charl: Me and Gram
where_is_charl: 2007_0408Travel0132
where_is_charl: New Niece
where_is_charl: 2007_0408Travel0138
where_is_charl: Homecoming dinner
where_is_charl: 2007_0408Travel0140
where_is_charl: Homecoming dinner