where_is_charl: Opera house by Night (blurred)
where_is_charl: streety2 002
where_is_charl: streety2 003
where_is_charl: streety2 004
where_is_charl: streety2 005
where_is_charl: In Cruise Bar
where_is_charl: Louise, Charlotte, Annabel and Clare
where_is_charl: streety2 007
where_is_charl: streety2 008
where_is_charl: Dan and Sparky
where_is_charl: streety2 010
where_is_charl: On the Quay
where_is_charl: streety2 013
where_is_charl: Clare and Bel
where_is_charl: Louise and Charlotte
where_is_charl: Chris and Sparky
where_is_charl: Nice chin
where_is_charl: streety2 019
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where_is_charl: streety2 021
where_is_charl: Too much beer maybe?
where_is_charl: streety2 023
where_is_charl: Simply Beautiful!
where_is_charl: streety2 025
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where_is_charl: Strike a pose
where_is_charl: Open your eyes Sparky!
where_is_charl: Group Photo
where_is_charl: Sparky, Chris and Dan