where_is_charl: streety2 046
where_is_charl: City from North Shore
where_is_charl: streety2 048
where_is_charl: Opera House from North Shore
where_is_charl: streety2 050
where_is_charl: streety2 051
where_is_charl: City from North Shore
where_is_charl: streety2 053
where_is_charl: PRE RACE
where_is_charl: Bovvered!
where_is_charl: streety2 056
where_is_charl: Fat Tyne Bridge
where_is_charl: streety2 058
where_is_charl: streety2 059
where_is_charl: Finish Photo
where_is_charl: Finish Line at Opera House
where_is_charl: Post Race photo
where_is_charl: Sweaty Chris and Sweaty Dan
where_is_charl: Sweaty Chris and Sweaty Dan