cbb4104: 0015 - 22 Gallons of Dried Crumbled Sifted Eastern Red Cedar Needles
cbb4104: 0013 - 22 Gallons of Dried crumbled Eastern Red Cedar Needles
cbb4104: 0012 - Sifting into the Collection Bin
cbb4104: 0011 - Twig Fragments
cbb4104: 0010 - Sifting the Blender Output
cbb4104: 0009 - Sifting the Blender Output
cbb4104: 0008 - Sifting the Blender Output
cbb4104: 0007 - Baked and Crumbled Branches and Needles in Blender
cbb4104: 0004 - Stripped Eastern Red Cedar Branches
cbb4104: 0003 - Eastern Red Cedar Needles and Small Twigs
cbb4104: 0002 - Stripped Branches and Needles
cbb4104: 0001 - Bunch of Eastern Red Cedar Sticks to be Stripped
cbb4104: Tool of the trade
cbb4104: Eastern Red Cedar Branch on Ground before Harvest
cbb4104: 0014 - 22 gallons of Eastern Red Cedar Needles
cbb4104: 0005 - Pan of Needles Ready For the Grill
cbb4104: A Bunch of Eastern Red Cedar needles and twigs
cbb4104: Eastern Red Cedar sticks stripped of needles
cbb4104: 0006 - Baking Eastern Red Cedar Needles
cbb4104: Almost empty bucket for Eastern Red Cedar Needles
cbb4104: Stick being stripped of Needles
cbb4104: Stick being stripped of Needles
cbb4104: Stick being stripped of Needles
cbb4104: Stick being stripped of Needles
cbb4104: Stick being stripped of Needles
cbb4104: Stick being stripped of Needles
cbb4104: Stick being stripped of Needles
cbb4104: Stick being stripped of Needles
cbb4104: Stick being stripped of Needles
cbb4104: Stick being stripped of Needles