cbb4104: Jan, Tony, Lori at reunion
cbb4104: Dan at Reunion
cbb4104: talking at Reunion on Sunday
cbb4104: Chicken dinner at Chrysler High School Class of 1979 reunion
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cbb4104: Andy with support dog at reunion lunch
cbb4104: Andy's support dog
cbb4104: Sandy and Pam (?)
cbb4104: Chicken!
cbb4104: Photographers and organizers at Class of 1979 Reunion
cbb4104: Rob's famous Superman Car
cbb4104: At the Top Hat Pizza/Jack's Donuts event
cbb4104: Chris selfie with New Castle High School Atheletic Hall of Fame shirt ready to leave for New Castle for reunion of Class of 1979
cbb4104: Lunch on Sunday at Class of 1979 reunion
cbb4104: Buffalo Trace Bourbon and Glass from Reunion
cbb4104: Buffalo Trace Bourbon in the glass from the reunion