cbb4104: All back together!
cbb4104: WiFi card in place. Seems to all work.
cbb4104: Checking operation before the cover goes back on.
cbb4104: Cover ready to go back on.
cbb4104: Looking at the front with the cover off.
cbb4104: There is a little cable connector that is right of the coin battery
cbb4104: New memory in place
cbb4104: New memory in place
cbb4104: 2GB card in place
cbb4104: 3GB RAM for macmini,2
cbb4104: Old memory out
cbb4104: Drive unit flipped out of the way
cbb4104: WiFi card out of the way
cbb4104: Screw at front left corner
cbb4104: WiFi antenna out of the way
cbb4104: Cover off the mac mini. Combo drive on top.
cbb4104: Cover off of MacMini, combo drive on top.
cbb4104: Cover off the MacMini