cbb4104: Slight shipping damage
cbb4104: 2'x2' ceiling tile plate and projector mount
cbb4104: Projector mount next to ceiling tile plate
cbb4104: Projector mount
cbb4104: This mark will get covered up by the tile lattice
cbb4104: Tools and material packed up and ready to go!
cbb4104: The 2'by2' plate that hangs in the drop ceiling in a dry test run in the lobby
cbb4104: Shipping damage, not worth returning.
cbb4104: Tools and materials in the lobby
cbb4104: Ladder ready to go
cbb4104: Safety cables attached to plate
cbb4104: Trying to determine best location for plate
cbb4104: Parts, causes and conditions and perceiving minds
cbb4104: Mount on tile
cbb4104: Mount connected to plate
cbb4104: Swivel mount connected to projector
cbb4104: Ceiling opened up to route temp power
cbb4104: Ceiling opened up to run the temporary power cord
cbb4104: close up of cutouts for boxes
cbb4104: Projector hanging off of mount. Not aligned with anything, yet.
cbb4104: 2'x2' plate with plenty of holes and mount for projector
cbb4104: Projector mount and new screen
cbb4104: Projector on mount and screen
cbb4104: Projector hanging temporarily in front of screen.
cbb4104: Bracket on projector.
cbb4104: Ceiling open to run power cord
cbb4104: Ceiling opened up to run the power cord to the panel
cbb4104: close up of box holes in plate
cbb4104: Projector hangs off of panel mount
cbb4104: Projector hanging from mount tile in front of screen