cbb4104: Frosting base, Yellow Cake Mix, Sweet Bacon
cbb4104: Scout after eating 4 uncooked pieces of bacon.
cbb4104: Bacon ready to go into the oven.
cbb4104: Bacon out of the oven.
cbb4104: Can of Butter Cream frosting and some Maple Flavoring
cbb4104: 12 Cupcake Papers
cbb4104: 12 Cupcake Papers
cbb4104: Cake mix, according to package directions
cbb4104: The bacon before chopping
cbb4104: Chopped up bacon
cbb4104: Non-bacon cake with half the batter
cbb4104: Used half the batter for this non-bacon cake.
cbb4104: Bacon gets dumped into cake batter
cbb4104: Cupcakes and cake
cbb4104: 16:20 Until Sweet Bacon Cupcakes!
cbb4104: The cupcakes are out of the oven.
cbb4104: The bacon cupcakes are out of the oven.
cbb4104: Bacon Cupcake with Maple Butter Cream Frosting
cbb4104: 3 Bacon Cupcakes with Maple Butter Cream Frosting
cbb4104: Bad cake made with remaining yellow cake batter and maple frosting