cbb4104: The electric water heater controller in action!
cbb4104: Wired up
cbb4104: SSRs Junction Block Frame Relay Mounted on Panel
cbb4104: Two Temperature Controllers Snapped Into Lid
cbb4104: Two Temperature Controllers Snapped into Lid
cbb4104: fail
cbb4104: Work
cbb4104: Grounding conduit
cbb4104: The system from above.
cbb4104: Resistor load in bracket
cbb4104: Inside of chiller showing pump and groundling lug location
cbb4104: Chiller away from the Solar Lab building
cbb4104: Had to replace this one, Aluminum + Copper + metal box = NOPE!
cbb4104: Copper Grounding Lug, replaced corroded aluminum lug.
cbb4104: Campbell Scientific Data acquisition Unit at NC Solar Lab
cbb4104: Honda Fit at Solar Center NC State University
cbb4104: G570 sitting on bench