cbb4104: Pinnacle for our Stupa
cbb4104: The stacked steps and parasol of the pinnacle
cbb4104: Troy in front of pinnacle assembly
cbb4104: Tony and his son Tenzin
cbb4104: Troy prepares stupa pinnacle for gilding
cbb4104: Pinnacle has been washed to prepare for gold leaf application
cbb4104: Mantras stamped into steps of pinnacle
cbb4104: The Jewel top piece
cbb4104: The lower steps part of pinnacle. Do not touch!
cbb4104: The inverted parasol. This goes on top of the steps.
cbb4104: The Parasol and the Steps
cbb4104: The gold leaf application begins
cbb4104: Troy starts the gilding
cbb4104: The whole gang at the gilding
cbb4104: The gilding begins
cbb4104: Gilded mantras on steps
cbb4104: Applying gold leaf
cbb4104: Troy and Mar's Olympus OM-D
cbb4104: Troy and his daughter apply gold leaf
cbb4104: Troy applies gold leaf
cbb4104: Gilding the pinnacle
cbb4104: Gilding the pinnacle
cbb4104: Gilding the pinnacle steps
cbb4104: Gilding the pinnacle
cbb4104: Underside of parasol
cbb4104: Gilding the pinnacle steps
cbb4104: Close up of mantras stamped into steps
cbb4104: Jill applies gold leaf
cbb4104: Gilding the pinnacle steps
cbb4104: Mer applies gold leaf