cbb4104: Juniper ready for baking
cbb4104: Stupa Fill Materials
cbb4104: Materials for the throne
cbb4104: More materials and puja offerings
cbb4104: Puja offerings
cbb4104: Stupa materials on altar platform and Puja offerings prepared on altar
cbb4104: Ven choekyi prepares puja offerings
cbb4104: Stupa filling materials fill up the gompa
cbb4104: Tsa Tsa Class 01
cbb4104: Tsa Tsa Class 02
cbb4104: Tsa Tsa Class 03
cbb4104: Lee and Elise
cbb4104: The throne ready for filling
cbb4104: Cimghie and friend
cbb4104: pile o' wood form pieces
cbb4104: Geshe-la and Ven Tendron
cbb4104: Geshe teaching
cbb4104: Robbie looks at Don and his girl
cbb4104: Geshe-la describes events for today
cbb4104: Geshe rejoices
cbb4104: Prayers before the filling
cbb4104: Woman filming and Vic
cbb4104: Heaps of filling materials
cbb4104: First part of bucket brigade outside gompa
cbb4104: _DSC6181
cbb4104: bucket brigade winds through lobby
cbb4104: Bucket brigade goes down sidewalk to get materials out to stupa site
cbb4104: Transporting the materials out to the throne
cbb4104: _DSC6189
cbb4104: Package of fill materials moves