CC alter ego:
7 Chucken meets a celebrity
CC alter ego:
5 A high perch but a good view nonetheless
CC alter ego:
6 Oh no, I've touched the cup before the game Holland will lose now!
CC alter ego:
4 Even the police are friendly
CC alter ego:
3 She seems nice I think I'll support Holland
CC alter ego:
2 I can see soccer city over in the distance
CC alter ego:
1 chucken's ready
CC alter ego:
We're off to the world cup final.
CC alter ego:
Congratulations Germany
CC alter ego:
Soccer City Stadium - up close and personal
CC alter ego:
Under the skin of Soccer City
CC alter ego:
And the winners - Spain
CC alter ego:
The trophy is presented
CC alter ego:
cape town final approach
CC alter ego:
Its just like being at home in the rain
CC alter ego:
Uruguay celebrate a goal
CC alter ego:
World Cup Final 2010 Closing ceremony