Chris_Malcolm: HMS Ocean Amphibious Assault Ship by the Forth Road Bridge
Chris_Malcolm: Thanks to Adam for a really magnificent photography outing!
Chris_Malcolm: HMS Ocean from the Forth Road Bridge
Chris_Malcolm: Arrival at Kinghorn beach
Chris_Malcolm: Descent to Kinghorn beach -- first half of the EU Photosoc bus party
Chris_Malcolm: Descent to Kinghorn beach -- the second half of the EU Photosoc bus party
Chris_Malcolm: Winter seascape west from Kinghorn beach
Chris_Malcolm: Photographing breaking waves
Chris_Malcolm: Photographing waves
Chris_Malcolm: Breaking wave at Kinghorn beach
Chris_Malcolm: The seagull nesting cliffs above Kinghorn beach
Chris_Malcolm: So far so good
Chris_Malcolm: Decayed remnants of beach sewer pipe
Chris_Malcolm: Breaking wave
Chris_Malcolm: Photographing breaking waves at Kinghorn beach
Chris_Malcolm: Is that the best way off this cliff?
Chris_Malcolm: Inchkeith in the Firth of Forth from Kinghorn beach
Chris_Malcolm: Nesting seagull in cliffs above Kinghorn beach
Chris_Malcolm: Photographing waves
Chris_Malcolm: Landscape photography is dangerous
Chris_Malcolm: The Queensferry lifeboat returned to Hawes Pier after Cramond Island rescue mission
Chris_Malcolm: Not the Golden Hour, the Dreich Hour
Chris_Malcolm: Almost sunset over the Forth Road Bridge
Chris_Malcolm: Late Sunset from Hawes Pier
Chris_Malcolm: The fire spinners session at Holyrood
Chris_Malcolm: Fire spinners at Holyrood
Chris_Malcolm: Ancient Fire Wheel Defeats Modern Flash Gun
Chris_Malcolm: Can you hold that pose while we adjust our cameras?