Chris_Malcolm: Two old icons of the Age of Steel
Chris_Malcolm: The QE2 berthed in the Firth of Forth
Chris_Malcolm: The Zeebrugge Car Ferry passes the QE2
Chris_Malcolm: A Dreich Day for Photography
Chris_Malcolm: QE2 visits Queensferry for the last time, again: 2 (400mm)
Chris_Malcolm: QE2 visits Queensferry for the last time, again: 1 (250mm)
Chris_Malcolm: The Dance of the Water Jets
Chris_Malcolm: The Dance of the Water Jets
Chris_Malcolm: Crowds at South Queensferry watch final departure of QE2
Chris_Malcolm: Crowds line the shore at Queensferry to see the last departure of the QE2
Chris_Malcolm: Last aboard for the last departure of the QE2
Chris_Malcolm: QE2 leaves Hound Point, Queensferry, on last voyage