Chris_Malcolm: Experimental upsample
Chris_Malcolm: Dewy Rose
Chris_Malcolm: Sony R1 / Alpha 350 Compare (350)
Chris_Malcolm: Sony R1 / Alpha 350 Compare (R1)
Chris_Malcolm: The new camera on the block: Sony Alpha 350 with SAL 18-250mm zoom
Chris_Malcolm: Extending the WA end of the 18-250 with the Sony R1's WA extension
Chris_Malcolm: The R1 extension lens cradle fitted to the Alpha 350
Chris_Malcolm: The VCL-DEH08R wide angle extension added to the Alpha 350 + 18-250 zoom
Chris_Malcolm: Original SAL 18-250mm with Sony Alpha 350
Chris_Malcolm: Chromatic Aberration Corrected
Chris_Malcolm: Geometric Distortion Corrected
Chris_Malcolm: Perpective Corrected
Chris_Malcolm: Informatics Forum
Chris_Malcolm: Informatics Forum: a Photographic Problem
Chris_Malcolm: Informatics Forum nearly finished...
Chris_Malcolm: Edinburgh University Old College / Old Quad
Chris_Malcolm: How sharp is the Sigma 10-20mm?
Chris_Malcolm: Korean Dancers in Edinburgh Fringe 2008 High Street
Chris_Malcolm: Korean Dancer at ISO 3200 -- 2: noise reduction
Chris_Malcolm: Korean Dancer at ISO 3200 -- 1: no noise reduction
Chris_Malcolm: "Step back a bit, dear, indeed -- he's such a joker!"
Chris_Malcolm: Arthur's Seat from Botanic Garden, Edinburgh
Chris_Malcolm: Escape From The Gun Turret
Chris_Malcolm: The Black Dog in the Water: 1
Chris_Malcolm: The Black Dog in the Water: 2
Chris_Malcolm: The Noisy Beehive Gang Shoot Out
Chris_Malcolm: Optical experiments at the Beehive
Chris_Malcolm: David Hume sits out an Edinburgh winter night
Chris_Malcolm: Winter sunset on the Scott Monument, with twigs.
Chris_Malcolm: A350 focus calibration for 500mm f8 reflex lens: 250mm comparison