chrisginottawa: 12X24” sheet of 1/8” acrylic all etched and cut. November 2022.
chrisginottawa: January 2023
chrisginottawa: Sheet 10
chrisginottawa: Sheet 11
chrisginottawa: The original center finder I made to accurately locate the center.
chrisginottawa: Vers. 2, using the handy center finder marking template.
chrisginottawa: Marking the center with a pointed awl.
chrisginottawa: Using the m3 circular template with a diamond awl.
chrisginottawa: Using my circle stitch template for diamond awl.
chrisginottawa: Using a diamond awl to pierce a concentric thread ring around a m3 screw.
chrisginottawa: Using a diamond stitching awl to create a concentric ring.
chrisginottawa: Top and bottom side showing disk covering rivet head.
chrisginottawa: Ball stud and line 24 snap base concentric circles.
chrisginottawa: Design for M3 screw or rivet post.
chrisginottawa: Stitching on the rear cover disk with a concentric circle.
chrisginottawa: Laying out the end and stitches on a 1” belt
chrisginottawa: Finished hand stitches on a 1” belt
chrisginottawa: Using a diamond awl to cut the thread holes through both pieces.
chrisginottawa: Different sizes
chrisginottawa: Carefully cutting out the oval with an Xacto knife.
chrisginottawa: Lightly marking the thread holes with the template on a cork block.