Chris_Dean: One of the views from the roof of our hotel in Havana...
Chris_Dean: IMG_3969
Chris_Dean: The first of many mojitos.
Chris_Dean: ... and the roof of that hotel
Chris_Dean: IMG_3980
Chris_Dean: IMG_4000
Chris_Dean: IMG_4006
Chris_Dean: IMG_4024
Chris_Dean: IMG_4049
Chris_Dean: IMG_4052
Chris_Dean: IMG_4067
Chris_Dean: Awesome guitar versus violin solo-off.
Chris_Dean: IMG_4111
Chris_Dean: IMG_4122
Chris_Dean: Revolution Square
Chris_Dean: This rum is delicious. Find and drink some - now.
Chris_Dean: Traffic in Havana
Chris_Dean: The old, the crumbling, the rusting.
Chris_Dean: El Capitolio
Chris_Dean: IMG_4203
Chris_Dean: IMG_4217
Chris_Dean: IMG_4219
Chris_Dean: Church and convent of St. Francis of Assisi
Chris_Dean: I don't know who he is but I think his beard is lucky.
Chris_Dean: IMG_4288
Chris_Dean: This is one of the few nice meals that we had. Unsurprisingly enough for a country that has rationing for its population, the food is not good!
Chris_Dean: A house for drying tobacco crops.
Chris_Dean: The aptly-named pregnant palms
Chris_Dean: IMG_4367
Chris_Dean: Drying tobacco leaves