chris5aw: What you see is not what you get
chris5aw: 10/52 Holding hands
chris5aw: 07/52 Ornamental cabbage
chris5aw: 1/52 The lone surfer
chris5aw: 06/52 Springtime snowdrop
chris5aw: 20221031-P1018776.jpg
chris5aw: 02/31 gathering the last summer pollen
chris5aw: 20220911-P1011697.jpg
chris5aw: A sunset treescape
chris5aw: 25/52 An apollo butterfly
chris5aw: A study in facial expressions
chris5aw: Springtime in the wood
chris5aw: 26/30 Bluebells in the Beech wood
chris5aw: New growth
chris5aw: 09/52 Grandad's fob watch
chris5aw: 4/52 Backlit cofee
chris5aw: 1/52 A fresh start
chris5aw: 31 Star trails
chris5aw: 07/30 red and black
chris5aw: 15/31 Heading for Cowes
chris5aw: 01/30 A friendly robin
chris5aw: Patriotic wild flowers
chris5aw: The smoker 154/365
chris5aw: 17/52 Raindrops
chris5aw: 20/52 Looking up
chris5aw: 23/52 ?
chris5aw: 27/52 Bugs of many colours
chris5aw: 34/52 Saddleworth Morris Men
chris5aw: 40/52 and 6/31 Who needs a drink?
chris5aw: 48/52 Stop