chris5aw: 01/30 The view east from Old Billingsgate
chris5aw: 02/30 'Bum box' at the Boat Race
chris5aw: 03/30 Drinking tiger
chris5aw: 04/30 Friendly robin
chris5aw: 05/30 Municipal cherry blossom
chris5aw: 06/30 The wandering minstrel
chris5aw: 07/30 newly born
chris5aw: 08/30 The street entertainer
chris5aw: 09/30 A snake in the grass
chris5aw: 10/30 A bridge over the River Lune, near Lancaster
chris5aw: 11/30 Rutter Falls near Appleby in Westmoreland
chris5aw: 12/30 Wainwright's footsteps
chris5aw: 13/30 A flower for the Easter season
chris5aw: 14/30 Votes for Women
chris5aw: 15/30 St Peter's Street on market day
chris5aw: 16/30 Tall Ships Regatta at Greenwich.
chris5aw: 17/30 'medieval sword combat'
chris5aw: 18/30 St Albans Abbey
chris5aw: 19/30 Bluebells
chris5aw: 20/30 Ne'er cast a clout til May is out
chris5aw: 21/30 If you go down to the woods today ...
chris5aw: 22/30 playing with water, a lightbulb and some flashes
chris5aw: 023/30 An ENGLISH saint, not a Turkish impostor
chris5aw: 024/30 Dinner time
chris5aw: 25/30 Tea lights
chris5aw: 26/30 At the market
chris5aw: 27/30 Six seeds for the bread
chris5aw: 28/30 Thank god it's Friday
chris5aw: 29/30 The Burning of the Wicker Man
chris5aw: 30/30 Dancing in the Street