chris5aw: Social flycatcher
chris5aw: Pink ginger
chris5aw: Two toed sloth (with baby)
chris5aw: Only just passing space
chris5aw: White egret coming in to land
chris5aw: Wecome to Mawamba
chris5aw: Green iguana
chris5aw: Young green iguana
chris5aw: Tortuguero village house
chris5aw: Blue eyed crab
chris5aw: Local boy enjoying his pineapple
chris5aw: Recycling Costa Rican style
chris5aw: Impromptu drummers
chris5aw: Pink ginger Helliconia
chris5aw: Bare throated tiger heron juvenile fishing
chris5aw: Female Anhinga
chris5aw: Chestnut toucans
chris5aw: Rufous tailed Hummingbird
chris5aw: Golden orb spider
chris5aw: Spot the male
chris5aw: Bare throated tiger heron
chris5aw: Green and black poson dart frogs
chris5aw: Blue jean poison dart frog
chris5aw: Feeding butterfly
chris5aw: Butterfly in the Butterfly house
chris5aw: Thick billed seed finch (female)
chris5aw: White crab
chris5aw: And the crab was winning!
chris5aw: Young pineapple
chris5aw: Blue Heron