chris5aw: Castle Sforzesco
chris5aw: IMG_2850_edited-1
chris5aw: No idea
chris5aw: Stained glass window swan
chris5aw: Crest
chris5aw: Stained glass gryphon
chris5aw: Having fun
chris5aw: You do it this way
chris5aw: vacant?
chris5aw: Lion Duomo square
chris5aw: Duomo square
chris5aw: Janus?
chris5aw: A strange place to read a book
chris5aw: Cherub on a Duomo spire
chris5aw: Duomo roof statue
chris5aw: Gurning?
chris5aw: Modern?
chris5aw: Blessing the city
chris5aw: Artichoke?
chris5aw: Duomo roof statues
chris5aw: Get up and go to work
chris5aw: Duomo stained galss window
chris5aw: The crucifixion
chris5aw: Shopping arcade lion
chris5aw: The Madonna statue on the top of the roof
chris5aw: Upside down
chris5aw: Feeding the pigeons
chris5aw: Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II
chris5aw: very classy entrance
chris5aw: Threshold of the mother shop