chris5aw: Michael leap-frogging Stroph at the end of Lass of Richmond Hill
chris5aw: Dancing the Rose
chris5aw: Surrounding the animal
chris5aw: The animal sits in the crowd
chris5aw: IMG_3161.jpg
chris5aw: Albert with pint
chris5aw: The animal heading down the middle of the dance
chris5aw: Albert leads the way
chris5aw: A photo that includes Albert
chris5aw: Very strange leg angles?
chris5aw: Stuart
chris5aw: Drinking at the Eclipse
chris5aw: Albert
chris5aw: At the pub
chris5aw: In front of the Cathedral
chris5aw: Music
chris5aw: The animal
chris5aw: Not quite a line
chris5aw: Bells
chris5aw: Ian Small
chris5aw: Advertising Breeze FM
chris5aw: Mike and Ian
chris5aw: William and Nancy
chris5aw: Lass of Richmond HIll
chris5aw: The two Ians
chris5aw: The happy couple - Robert and Steph
chris5aw: Up she goes
chris5aw: Steph and the men
chris5aw: Leapfrog