21stCenturyNorth.com: 07 Antique shop, Skipton
21stCenturyNorth.com: 25 The Castle Inn with smoker, Skipton
21stCenturyNorth.com: 18 Meat Wagon, Skipton
21stCenturyNorth.com: 03 South Gare, Redcar, Paddy's Hole
21stCenturyNorth.com: 28 Steps off Leeds-Liverpool Canal, Skipton
21stCenturyNorth.com: 14 Coach entrance, Skipton
21stCenturyNorth.com: 04 Paddy's Hole, South Gare, Redcar, mouth of Tees river
21stCenturyNorth.com: 12 Plaza Cinema, Skipton
21stCenturyNorth.com: 22 Skipton High Street with dog
21stCenturyNorth.com: 02 South Gare, Redcar