chripstopher: IMG_4052
chripstopher: IMG_4051
chripstopher: cool roots
chripstopher: IMG_4049
chripstopher: IMG_4048
chripstopher: IMG_4047
chripstopher: templo del mundo perdido
chripstopher: IMG_4045
chripstopher: on top of el templo del mundo perdido
chripstopher: radial shadows
chripstopher: templo v
chripstopher: it's scary up there...
chripstopher: templo v - bottom up
chripstopher: acropolis central - sign
chripstopher: acropolis central
chripstopher: shin the mayan god of relaxing - close up
chripstopher: shin the mayan god of relaxing
chripstopher: plaza central - from the SE corner
chripstopher: plaza central & templo ii- from the NE corner
chripstopher: templo ii
chripstopher: north acropolis from temple ii
chripstopher: temple i
chripstopher: temple i - bottom up
chripstopher: cool tree
chripstopher: statue in coban
chripstopher: full statue in coban