chripstopher: the cloth in the snow
chripstopher: CIMG0128
chripstopher: i wish coke was still cola...
chripstopher: classy girls, glassy table.
chripstopher: CIMG0109
chripstopher: turkey nuptials
chripstopher: robin's an alien!!
chripstopher: CIMG0072
chripstopher: CIMG0071
chripstopher: it tastes better stolen.
chripstopher: me and the cloth
chripstopher: the cloth, backroom grapes, and me
chripstopher: russo and chicks.
chripstopher: robin and cloth
chripstopher: the eric and the sherm.
chripstopher: me and zekes!
chripstopher: red sweatshirt sandich!!
chripstopher: i can explain...