chowmeyow: Yosemite Valley
chowmeyow: Half Dome
chowmeyow: Half Dome
chowmeyow: Half Dome
chowmeyow: Half Dome sunset at Glacier Point
chowmeyow: Half Dome sunset at Glacier Point
chowmeyow: Half Dome sunset at Glacier Point
chowmeyow: Half Dome sunset at Glacier Point
chowmeyow: Relaxing at Upper Pines campground
chowmeyow: Squirrel Friend at Upper Pines campground
chowmeyow: Relaxing at Upper Pines campground
chowmeyow: Vernal Falls
chowmeyow: Yosemite National Park
chowmeyow: Yosemite National Park
chowmeyow: Mariposa Grove
chowmeyow: Graham
chowmeyow: Me and Graham watching the sunset
chowmeyow: Sunset on Half Dome from Glacier Point
chowmeyow: Sunset on Half Dome
chowmeyow: River Cairn
chowmeyow: Our campsite at Upper Pines
chowmeyow: Making hamburgers on the campfire
chowmeyow: Making hamburgers on the campfire
chowmeyow: Graham's Hot Dog Burger invention
chowmeyow: Vernal Falls
chowmeyow: Vernal Falls
chowmeyow: Hiking Muir Trail
chowmeyow: Squirrel
chowmeyow: Yosemite National Park