-sebl-: brexit
Dasssa: Shaping Paper
Rui.Roda: Il tempo vola - Daniela Carboni
Papiro_Marc: Tuga diagrams
Yara Yagi: Merry Christmas!
Lee Boyeon: Volcarona
Xiaoxian Huang: 怪盗基德 披风 拼
Rui.Roda: Baby Piranha - Mondher Saada
Helyades: F-22A Raptor (R. Aoki)
oriol esteve - trickster origamist: Crocodile - cocodrilo By oriol esteve
oriol esteve - trickster origamist: Red panda / lesser panda By oriol esteve
Andrea Borsa: Hamster by Kyohei Katsuta
Mélisande*: Bonne Année 2019
Magic Fingaz: Second Life Newspaper Chihuahua Puppies - Barth Dunkan.
Mélisande*: Diagonal toolbox
Mélisande*: Triangular toolbox
Riccardo Foschi: Feathered Tsuru CP
Riccardo Foschi: Feathered Tsuru origami (Riccardo Foschi)
Viviane des Papiers: Shall we play with the Chameleon ?
Neelesh K: Origami - Lord Ganesha from a Rs. 10 Note
Mélisande*: Toy car
Rui.Roda: Robin - David Brill
Mélisande*: Masu lid from silver rectangle
Sunburst2001: Marteau
mancinerie: FrEscher. Illusion
PCjdu: Tesselation Crabe
Lonely-Shiba: 【Origami 】Pig