*Tom*: Disused quay, Swansea
*Tom*: Tidal defence, Swansea
*Tom*: Quay, River Tawe, Pier, Sea
*Tom*: River meets Sea - literally
*Tom*: Swansea, marina on the Tawe
*Tom*: View from the Tawe Barrage, Swansea
*Tom*: Nets, floats and weights, Swansea
*Tom*: Fishing boats and quay, Swansea
*Tom*: Fishing boats, Swansea
*Tom*: Fleece
*Tom*: The Brisons, evening
*Tom*: Evening Tide, Swansea Promenade
*Tom*: Thorny
*Tom*: Spire
*Tom*: Solstice
*Tom*: Pixies
*Tom*: Return Journey
*Tom*: Perfect Pub
*Tom*: Perfect Pub
*Tom*: Perfect Pub
*Tom*: Perfect Pub
*Tom*: Jubilee Pool and Penzance Harbour
*Tom*: Penzance
*Tom*: Salisbury Gasometer I
*Tom*: Wires
*Tom*: Salisbury Gasometer III
*Tom*: Salisbury Gasometer II
*Tom*: Ali Baba, circa 2008
*Tom*: Gas Fire
*Tom*: St Lawrence's, Stratford-sub-Castle