*Tom*: Stream, Cot Valley
*Tom*: Kestrel, Porth Nanven - flying off
*Tom*: Kestrel, Porth Nanven - looking up
*Tom*: Kestrel, Porth Nanven
*Tom*: Prehistoric Beach, Porth Nanven
*Tom*: Granite and Sea, Porth Nanven
*Tom*: Cliffs and waves, Porth Nanven
*Tom*: The Brisons from Porth Nanven
*Tom*: Bench with a view (and a half)
*Tom*: Hedgerow and gorse cascade
*Tom*: The Brisons, viewed down the Cot Valley
*Tom*: Erosion
*Tom*: Stream, Cot Valley
*Tom*: Stream
*Tom*: Blossom, Cot Valley
*Tom*: Azure Sea, Cot Valley
*Tom*: Gorse
*Tom*: Granite and daffodils
*Tom*: Camelias, Cot Valley, Cornwall
*Tom*: Walking into the Cot Valley
*Tom*: Carn Kenyjack and Tregeseal Stone Circle
*Tom*: Porth Nanven
*Tom*: Porth Nanven
*Tom*: Lands End and the Longships
*Tom*: Porth Nanven
*Tom*: Porth Nanven
*Tom*: Porth Nanven and the Brisons
*Tom*: Porth Nanven
*Tom*: Sub-tropical plants, Cot Valley
*Tom*: Sub-tropical plants, Cot Valley