chorickr: sparkling
chorickr: tilt a little
chorickr: ding-dong
chorickr: days of wine and..
chorickr: early summer already?
chorickr: firmly
chorickr: what am I made of?
chorickr: friends
chorickr: personalities
chorickr: to the sun
chorickr: sprout up!
chorickr: hanging gardens
chorickr: plum blooms when you've endured winter
chorickr: the bottom line
chorickr: little lamps
chorickr: smile
chorickr: yellow brick..
chorickr: dried flowers
chorickr: under the tree
chorickr: dazzled
chorickr: sky high
chorickr: tied
chorickr: promise
chorickr: not yet?
chorickr: on a winter's day
chorickr: wavy
chorickr: L01-01?
chorickr: scary
chorickr: no color
chorickr: Iyo-orange