cholmondelly: Last Night
cholmondelly: Group Photo
cholmondelly: Me, Adam and Lena
cholmondelly: Me, Zulik and Lena
cholmondelly: Piotrek's Self Portrait
cholmondelly: Sunset at the Lake
cholmondelly: Evening at the Lake
cholmondelly: Mateusz the Lifeguard
cholmondelly: Michał
cholmondelly: Sunning
cholmondelly: Canoeing
cholmondelly: Piotrek and Kamila
cholmondelly: Michał at Night
cholmondelly: Enjoying the Evening
cholmondelly: Our Camp Under the Willow
cholmondelly: Camping Out
cholmondelly: Dahlias
cholmondelly: Getting Ready to Go Out
cholmondelly: Dressed for Dancing
cholmondelly: Fountain
cholmondelly: Dar Pomorza
cholmondelly: Evening Meal
cholmondelly: Lena and Andrew
cholmondelly: Taking the Train Out of Warsaw
cholmondelly: Me and Chopin's Statue
cholmondelly: Lena and Chopin's Statue
cholmondelly: Chopin
cholmondelly: Enjoying Łazienki Park
cholmondelly: Lena and Me Under a Tree
cholmondelly: Lena Appreciating a Statue