cholmondelly: Sofie and Chocolates
cholmondelly: Opening Presents
cholmondelly: Unwrapping Presents
cholmondelly: Sofie Emptying Her Stocking
cholmondelly: Pierogi and Beet Soup
cholmondelly: Christmas Eve
cholmondelly: Sofie Eating
cholmondelly: Christmas Eve Dinner
cholmondelly: Stella Napping by the "Fire"
cholmondelly: The Girls Warming Their Hands by the "Fire"
cholmondelly: Little Helpers
cholmondelly: Sofie's Christmas Program
cholmondelly: The Christmas Program at Holy Trinity
cholmondelly: A Pink Christmas Tree!
cholmondelly: Stella and Sofie at Christmas Land
cholmondelly: Sofie's Choice of Wreath
cholmondelly: Stella at Christmas Land
cholmondelly: Sofie and Greg Decorating Sugar Cookies
cholmondelly: Stella & Eryk
cholmondelly: Stella and Sofie with their Finished Houses
cholmondelly: Working on Gingerbread Houses
cholmondelly: Sofie Sampling the Building Materials
cholmondelly: Stella Working on a Latticed Licorice Roof
cholmondelly: Stella and David
cholmondelly: Stella and Eryk
cholmondelly: Sofie Working on her House
cholmondelly: Stella and Sofie's Gingerbread House
cholmondelly: Sofie and the Gingerbread House
cholmondelly: Stella Posing with the Gingerbread House