cholmondelly: Foggy Ships
cholmondelly: Getting a Lift to Our Boat
cholmondelly: On the Way to The Red Dragon
cholmondelly: House Boat
cholmondelly: Stella and Greg
cholmondelly: The Red Dragon
cholmondelly: Meeting Our Fellow Passengers
cholmondelly: Lunch on Board
cholmondelly: The Dining Room
cholmondelly: Making Sure Stella Doesn't Fall Overboard...
cholmondelly: Stella Lounging
cholmondelly: Hanging On
cholmondelly: Our Floating Room
cholmondelly: The Floating Bathroom
cholmondelly: View of Foggy Halong Bay
cholmondelly: Another Junk
cholmondelly: Relaxing in Our Room
cholmondelly: The Junk
cholmondelly: The Wheel
cholmondelly: View of Halong City and Bridge
cholmondelly: Leaving Halong City
cholmondelly: Upstairs, Downstairs
cholmondelly: Perched on the Windowsill
cholmondelly: Our Lodgings
cholmondelly: Heading For Open Water
cholmondelly: Stella's Fancy High Chair
cholmondelly: Dinner--The First Course
cholmondelly: Greg, Satisfied
cholmondelly: Stella on Deck
cholmondelly: On Deck