cholmondelly: Boone Scenic Valley Railroad Sign
cholmondelly: Stella in a Little Train
cholmondelly: Information
cholmondelly: Display
cholmondelly: Steam Power--The Golden Age
cholmondelly: Signalling Lanterns
cholmondelly: Stella Playing with the Miniature Train
cholmondelly: Stella Having Fun in the Station Gift Shop
cholmondelly: Other Trains
cholmondelly: The Station
cholmondelly: Tato, Stella and Greg Enjoying the Train
cholmondelly: Stella in Her Conductor's Hat
cholmondelly: Going Over the Trestle Bridge
cholmondelly: Stella Leaning Out of the Train
cholmondelly: Showing Stella the River
cholmondelly: Greg and Stella on the Trestle Bridge
cholmondelly: Stella Exploring
cholmondelly: View From the Trestle Bridge
cholmondelly: Stella Getting Greg's Attention
cholmondelly: River View
cholmondelly: The River
cholmondelly: Shallow River
cholmondelly: Tato Taking A Photo
cholmondelly: Stella Looking Out a Window
cholmondelly: Stella Playing with Chains
cholmondelly: A Face Carved into a Tree
cholmondelly: Tato and Stella on the Train
cholmondelly: Getting Ready to Head Back
cholmondelly: Tato Putting Stella to Sleep
cholmondelly: Tato Holding a Sleeping Stella