CHOLKE: how do you get there
CHOLKE: picture of cholke by wodzinski
CHOLKE: alison and I'm betting it's one L
CHOLKE: tricia at alison's
CHOLKE: largest some kind of tree
CHOLKE: after a big wave came in
CHOLKE: haystack rock and reflection
CHOLKE: seaside
CHOLKE: this'll be good for rob's folks
CHOLKE: pacific and haystack rock
CHOLKE: Surprise
CHOLKE: newish yashica through new lenses
CHOLKE: the one dana says looks like clapton
CHOLKE: apples from farmers market
CHOLKE: sometimes I worry he's a commie
CHOLKE: mansion on portland hill for sale
CHOLKE: through the mansion windows
CHOLKE: greenhouse door at mansion
CHOLKE: mansion pool
CHOLKE: out for a drink with daniel
CHOLKE: rob criticizing someone
CHOLKE: looks like i'm in portland
CHOLKE: tricia at alison's
CHOLKE: rob at alison's
CHOLKE: daniel
CHOLKE: rob at the beach
CHOLKE: haystack rock
CHOLKE: me on the beach
CHOLKE: rob on the beach
CHOLKE: dana at dots