choffee: Chicago building
choffee: Leaving Chicago
choffee: Chicago street
choffee: Chicago street and Taxi
choffee: Sears Tower
choffee: Paddle on.
choffee: Lake Tahoe
choffee: Lake Tahoe
choffee: My board on the way home.
choffee: "On the left you can see the lake..."
choffee: Board with a view.
choffee: The "Ned Kellys" are taking over.
choffee: Heading for the top
choffee: Lake Tahoe from the top
choffee: IMGP0850
choffee: IMGP0865
choffee: IMGP0872
choffee: Duncan heads towards Nevada plains
choffee: IMGP0908
choffee: Boy and stick
choffee: Emerald Bay
choffee: IMG_0015
choffee: Small roads here.
choffee: IMG_0024
choffee: The Dodge in the drive.
choffee: Thats a street under there.
choffee: Nice place in the snow.
choffee: Just your average street.
choffee: The tracks lead right to Robbies.
choffee: Snow falling sideways?