Choconancy1: i'm wilting
Choconancy1: fruits of the heat
Choconancy1: watering daily
Choconancy1: fruits (and veggies) of spring garden project
Choconancy1: Checkin Out the Garden
Choconancy1: Chris stays cool
Choconancy1: Loki stays cool
Choconancy1: Laptop cooler/less electricity than desktop
Choconancy1: Instant Aircon
Choconancy1: Dining Room Instant Sunblocker
Choconancy1: Second layer Curtain - Living room
Choconancy1: SeaScorcher at 102.3
Choconancy1: Poster behind shades
Choconancy1: stay cool
Choconancy1: tea layers
Choconancy1: nearly 100 in the total shade