Choconancy1: At the public market in Accra
Choconancy1: Fabrics that Inspire Delight
Choconancy1: Always a full plate of hospitality
Choconancy1: Buffet Line at the Beach Bar
Choconancy1: Village Carver
Choconancy1: Cocoa Cacao -- whatever!
Choconancy1: Unripe Cacao Pod
Choconancy1: Cacao blossoms
Choconancy1: Too bad it ain't ripe!
Choconancy1: Look!
Choconancy1: They show me my first cacao in the wild
Choconancy1: A grove of small Cacao trees
Choconancy1: Darn, the Ficus trees grow big here!
Choconancy1: IMGP4085
Choconancy1: Canopy
Choconancy1: Big tree with epiphytes
Choconancy1: Small Town Traffic Jam
Choconancy1: Carving Close up
Choconancy1: Carver at work
Choconancy1: The obligatory group shot in front of Marleys
Choconancy1: The Marley Place
Choconancy1: Plantain Chips for Sale!
Choconancy1: The gang on the bus
Choconancy1: IMGP4059
Choconancy1: Choco-collage
Choconancy1: Boy selling plastic bags of water on the traffic clogged road