Choconancy1: Petronas Towers
Choconancy1: Petronas Towers
Choconancy1: Graphic Icons
Choconancy1: From the Crowne Plaza 30th Floor
Choconancy1: Petronas Towers
Choconancy1: Approaching Sentral Station
Choconancy1: Kuala Lumpur
Choconancy1: Approaching the City
Choconancy1: The cool building barely visible out window
Choconancy1: Curving Palms
Choconancy1: Oil Palms from the Train
Choconancy1: Kuala Lumpur Airport
Choconancy1: Taipei Airport
Choconancy1: Taipei Aiport - layover
Choconancy1: More Towers in the Mist
Choconancy1: Petronas Towers at Night in the Rain
Choconancy1: The towers before the rain
Choconancy1: Gardends in front of the Crowne Plaza
Choconancy1: DSCN0522
Choconancy1: DSCN0521
Choconancy1: Itsthomas from Twitter
Choconancy1: Across from Central Market
Choconancy1: OLPC - hands on!
Choconancy1: Hey look, it is that OLPC
Choconancy1: Tiny little PC
Choconancy1: Supporting young entrepreneurs
Choconancy1: GK3 Opening Drumming
Choconancy1: Opening Drumming
Choconancy1: Opening Drumming
Choconancy1: Prepping for the Future of KM session