Choconancy1: What happens when we say "blogs" and "community" in the same breath
Choconancy1: And why does she care?
Choconancy1: It all started last summer with a discussion with Lilia Efimova
Choconancy1: Blogs as social ecosystems
Choconancy1: Recommendation as relationship engine
Choconancy1: Social ecosystem holding distributed conversations
Choconancy1: Conversations turning into community
Choconancy1: So what about blog based communities? Why care?
Choconancy1: Claiming our space as a community
Choconancy1: What are the questions?
Choconancy1: Three main emergent forms
Choconancy1: Blogger/Blog centric
Choconancy1: This is a hub and spoke model
Choconancy1: Technorati Top Ten example
Choconancy1: Technorati Top Ten example
Choconancy1: Technorati Top Ten example
Choconancy1: Topic Centric
Choconancy1: Power, relationship, interaction and identity is spread out
Choconancy1: Travel Bloggers
Choconancy1: Global Voices
Choconancy1: Community Centric (or bounded) Form
Choconancy1: Blogs and other tools more closely intertwingled
Choconancy1: Share Your Story
Choconancy1: The gift of a blog voice
Choconancy1: Technical Architecture comparisons
Choconancy1: Social Architecture comparisons
Choconancy1: Content and Domain comparisons
Choconancy1: Just one way to look at it...
Choconancy1: Genre
Choconancy1: Networks