Choconancy1: GiGi Mandala - late version
Choconancy1: Mandala with chocolate and laptops!
Choconancy1: Mandala with chocolate and laptops!
Choconancy1: Mandala with chocolate and laptops!
Choconancy1: Tree and Beth
Choconancy1: Tree and Beth
Choconancy1: David takes pictures of the Gigis
Choconancy1: David Issacs
Choconancy1: Ken Records the Mandala
Choconancy1: Basket of Chocolate
Choconancy1: Mandala
Choconancy1: The Photographistas
Choconancy1: An afternoon walk
Choconancy1: Amy Lenzo
Choconancy1: GiGi Lunch
Choconancy1: IMG_1091
Choconancy1: Mandala Detail
Choconancy1: Getting started on the mandala
Choconancy1: GiGiMandala