chlorophonia: Glaucous Gull
chlorophonia: Glaucous Gull
chlorophonia: White-winged Scoters
chlorophonia: Redhead
chlorophonia: Lesser Black-backed Gull
chlorophonia: Ant mutualism?
chlorophonia: Ant mutualism?
chlorophonia: Bess Beetle
chlorophonia: Mosquito larvae
chlorophonia: Eastern Skunk Cabbage
chlorophonia: Eastern Skunk Cabbage
chlorophonia: Ants tending eggs and larvae
chlorophonia: Ant mutualism?
chlorophonia: Ant mutualism?
chlorophonia: Pickerel Frog
chlorophonia: Pickerel Frog
chlorophonia: Pickerel Frog
chlorophonia: Waning Gibbous
chlorophonia: Fallen tree
chlorophonia: Inside the trunk
chlorophonia: Yellow-crowned Night-Herons
chlorophonia: Yellow-crowned Night-Herons
chlorophonia: Wood Duck
chlorophonia: Great Egret
chlorophonia: Red-winged Blackbird
chlorophonia: Laughing Gulls
chlorophonia: Teabagging Forster's Tern
chlorophonia: Forster's Tern
chlorophonia: Pale-bellied Brant
chlorophonia: Pale-bellied Brant